Today - 2.2 million gallons a day of fresh drinking water.

Today, KAWS supplies some of the best drinking water in the nation to its customers. The water plant treats and distributes an average of approximately 2.2 million gallons a day. The Water Plant staff takes great pride in providing the best potable drinking water possible to all the people who depend on Kinkaid Water. 

1994 - The water treatment plant is modernized.

In 1994/1995, the water treatment plant was modernized through a renovation project with the issuance of water revenue bonds in the amount of 5 million dollars. The renovation upgraded the treatment process, installed all new electrical, plumbing, pumping equipment, and chemical feed equipment. The distribution system was also upgraded with some additional distribution lines and pump stations. 

1973 - The Kinkaid water treatment plant is completed.

During the construction of the Lake, the State of Illinois Division of Water Resources paid for the construction of the water treatment plant intake structure and raw water pumping station which was completed in 1973. The creation of another lake began, Cedar Lake, and a raw water intake and pumping station was constructed and Carbondale began drawing water from Cedar Lake and was able to continue to provide water to the areas Northeast, East, and Southeast. Since Kinkaid Area Water System was already designed, the system was over capacity. 

1972 - Kinkaid Lake is filled.

A regional water system was constructed and public use recreational facilities were developed.

1971 - Crisenberry Dam is completed.

At the time the lake was being cleared and the dam was being constructed, Cedar Lake was also beginning to get under construction as another potable water source. 

1963 - Kinkaid-Reed's Creek Conservancy District is created.

The Kinkaid-Reed's Creek Conservancy District was created by referendum vote in June, 1963. The primary purpose for the creation of the Conservancy District was to build Kinkaid Lake for a municipal water supply with tourism and recreation as a side benefit for the area.